There are journeys to places, cities, countries. Then there are journeys of a different kind that involve people. They say sometimes the greatest journey is covering the distance between two people. Thats a timeless and a limitless journey. A neverending trail to set foot on. Strangers become aquaintances. Aquantainces become friends. Friends may become foes. Strangers and friends may become partners. Partners may become estranged. Transformation and Metamorphosis -All on the journey!!
At times, it takes a lifetime to really know people, and even after an eternity you still dont understand them even when they communicate through words. Sometimes, if you are lucky enough, the opposite happens, ie you finding people who understand even the unsaid from the look in the eye. Its a tightrope walk between being yourself and projecting a certain image, letting yourself loose and holding yourself back, percieving and judging others. The beauty is that the person on the otherside is just like you, walking a tightrope too, on the same journey to knowing you. You need to bare it for others to see you and for you to see them. Complexities galore.
Despite all the fallouts from it, being quite friendly and open to people, I have felt, it can take a minutely small insignificant gesture to bridge the gap between two people. A bright smile. A routine sms. A human touch. A tight hug. A funny joke. A warm kiss. A friendly hello. A catchup phone call. A small email. Thats all it may take. Isnt undertaking this journey of knowing people great for what its worth.
And as Joey would say it - How you doin ;)
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