Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Waiting Games

Waiting can be a wonderful thing. Unexpectedly amazing things can happen in life which can throw you off balance and yet cushion you when you fall. The time you spend while waiting can be truly rewarding. In the end, the waiting time doesn't seem to matter but that the wait has been worthwhile. After a dozen wrong turns, horrible mistakes, bad choices, testing times, the time will come that will make you want to believe in only good things, happy endings, merry times.

At the end of a trying time, it won't matter anymore except that there is a someone around you to make your life a lot easier, to add to the bitter sweet taste of life. The promise of an extended hand to hold yours forever in a tight grip to never let go, the promise of a steady shoulder to lean on when you are weak. the promise of a reassuring faith when you doubt yourself, the promise of buying you a solitaire to don your finger. Too good to say NO, i guess!

Winking-ly yours
Faded Glory

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