Sunday, May 25, 2008


Ive been tagged to answer these random questions. So here are my answers.

Q1) What do you miss most about childhood ?
A1) I miss the carefree attitude. Back then,i did not have to plan for ahead. No desires, no goals, no targets, no responsibilties. Easy going life with little to worry about.

Q2) What makes you glad that you're at this age.
A2) Today i am financially independent. I can take my decisions and am no longer dependent on anyone to do anything for me.

Q3) What kind of people repel you?
A3) People who do not confront situations and take the easy way out. People who are self-centered. I do not like people who are too much into how you look and what you wear.

Q4) What is the biggest dilemma you have faced?
A4) The classical head Vs heart dilemma, where it has pulled me apart in different directions. And im still wondering, who is right?

Q5) So what do you think of marriage now?
A5) Marriage is hard work and one needs to step into it only when one is ready to give it all it needs, to make it work. Nothing works on its own, even a cell phone needs to be charged everyday for it to work.

Q6) So would you prefer a live-in relationship to marriage?
A6) A 100% NO.

Q7) What would you change about yourself?
A7) I cling to things and push myself too far at times. I'd like to really change these things about myself.

Q8) What do you think of the Indian youth?
A8) I think the Indian youth today is living a life beyond their means. I feel they have a false sense of what life is. They know the cost of evrything but the value of nothing.

Q9) What about the man-woman divide?
A9) In rural areas, i guess it exists but it does not matter. Women rarely think of empowerment in those areas. In the urban areas, this gap has been bridged.

Q10) So you think women are less empowered?
A10) No, Women are no way less empowered. Women underplay their intelligence and showing her weakness is where a woman’s greatest strength lies.

Q11) What would you never change about yourself?
A11) Thinking limitlessly and the fact that i have no ego at all.

Do not want to tag anyone, but anyone who reads this post should try to answer these questions and put them in words...written not spoken.

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