Sunday, January 25, 2009


What do you do when you bump into someone familiar, and you are with friends. Exchange pleasantries and catch up with the latest and ofcourse introduce the others. Well, not always.

Today,I was sitting with a friend, into a serious discussion and this friend of mine suddenly spotted a familiar face coming toward us. Lo and Behold. The next instant, i saw my friend trying to wipe the nose wierdly. I thought maybe its general nose itching. But, it was a exaggerated movement of hand trying hide the face.

I thought it was just demons working in my head. I was playing the devil's advocate. To clear up the air in my head, i asked a straightforward question to my friend - Are you trying to hide yourself from being spotted with me? I did not need the answer. My friend had that look on the face that said - im flawless, the only flaw is that im sitting with you. I wished i could have disappeared in a jiffy from that place not knowing how to deal with such disrespect to your company.

Nevermind. Sometimes you're the bird, sometimes you are the statue. Guess, fair enough, it was my turn to be the statue.

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