Sunday, March 8, 2009


As i turned the page of the calender on the wall of my room, the image on the page for March 09 caught my eye. It had a large beautiful ship sailing on the placid blue waters of the ocean and a nice quote printed below it.

A ship in harbor is safe — but that is not what ships are built for.
John A. Shedd, Salt from My Attic, 1928.

Probably thats why my mom had sometimes wanted me to go out of Delhi for education or a job, to explore, dream, live and experience life beyond the safe and secure walls of my home. Its a different story that she now wants me to be out of the house permanently :P. I have never stayed out of home ever in my life for more than a few days. Im not scared of going into the big bad world out there, but i always had an option to study and work closer to home. Living outside home, staying away from family is an experience that is still unfamiliar.

Ten years from now i guess i will be more disappointed by the things that i didn’t do than by the ones i did do. And a life lived with regrets, is hardly a life lived. So, i guess to truly find oneself, one should venture out, walk into unfamiliar territory, challenge the unknown or else we just rust and die in one place living a ordinary life like a ship that would rust standing on the dockyard.

So i guess its time to throw off the bowlines, time to sail away from the safe harbor, time to catch the trade winds in the sails and get caught in the tides.

Action Words: Explore, Wander, Discover!!

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