The quest for Happiness, its like running after a butterfly thats difficult to get hold of. It sits on your shoulder for an instance and then takes off to perch somewhere else. Happy is the person who is satisfied, with the fact that the little winged creature graced your shoulders for some time or else it eludes you forever. But unfortunately, Happiness is not a destination, those who believe its a destination are on an expedition to finding Neverland.
If you see the glass as half empty, its never going to be full in one life or even in the nine lives of a cat. Happiness comes from contentment, that the glass is atleast half full. Being happy is easy if we are grateful. Unfortunately, seeing what we don’t have is often easier than seeing what we have. To me being happy is a choice and one is happy to the amount one wants to be. You cant make a person happy who is unwilling to be happy.
Choose to be Happy no matter what your circumstances are. Happiness is something internal and can only be found within. We need to adopt the restaurant culture of Happy Hours into our lives. If each one of us starts to maintain a Happy Hour each day, appreciating what we already have around us, we all would be truly happy.
Make your choice today - BE HAPPY!! coz in anycase life can only give you and me enough for our need but not for our greed!!!
hmm….good style and expression……liked your preaching about mission happiness “Happiness is not a destination, those who believe it’s a destination are on an expedition to finding Neverland.”